Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Three Muskateers

So after laying around for a while today, I wanted to watch a movie and realized we still have some movies to watch for school. The two we have right now are The Three Musketeers and Hunchback of Notre Dame. Caleb and I watched The Three Musketeers. It was 2 and a half hours long and extremely cheesy. It was made in 1948. I think that speaks for itself.

I have also decided that I am going to learn two new languages. I really enjoy learning languages, I have since I was little. I am going to teach myself French and Italian. This is adding to my languages of German, sign language, and Latin. Of course I speak English too. It will definitely be an adventure!

Rivers, Shells, and Shoes

Thursday I went to a friends house to play. We went down to the river by their house (the Illinois River) and collected shells. We also took our shoes off and walked around on the sand and in the river, which was freezing cold. We found a bunch of little clam shells, a few snail shells, and a couple really cool pearly looking shells. Our favorites were by far the pearly shells. After that we went to the prayer meeting at church.

Friday Mom, Dad, and I went looking for me and mom a new gym, because the one we are going to is stopping for the summer. Thankfully we found one pretty quick. After that we went to get me some new gym shoes because my old ones are falling apart. My new shoes are blue, silver, and white. They are really cool looking.When we got home, Caleb and I took Misty down to the park to play frisbee for a little while.

Saturday was a pretty laid back day. We really did not do much. Dad and I went and refilled the tires on the van with air and got switches for Delta's fish tank. The switches are so I can turn off the light in there at night and not have to turn my clock off. (they are plugged into the same power strip.)

Today was church. Then we went to lunch at SubWay and came home. Dad is trying to get some work done outside before it starts raining, which it looks like will happen soon. By the way, for anyone reading this that does not have the link to my other blog, here it is. You will have to read it to find out what it is about! :) (It is actually a joint blog that I am doing with a dear friend; codename Sassafrass)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Today is Mom's birthday! We did her birthday lunch yesterday after church at Chef Klaus. It is a German restaurant about half an hour away. It was very good. Mom got a spinach and swiss cheese covered schnitzel. Caleb got normal breaded schnitzel. Dad got some strange looking kind of schnitzel. I really am not sure what his was. I got jager schnitzel. It has a gravy on it and is covered in bacon and mushrooms. Usually, I do not like mushrooms, but this was really good. I am going to have the rest for lunch today. I spent most of my morning making a banner for her birthday. It has kind of an acrostic on it. The main part says Happy Birthday and under each page it has something that letter stands for. Here is what it says:
H is for your humble spirit
A is for your abounding love
P is for all the precious moments
P is for your priceless hugs
Y is for the yarn you love (the y here is made of knitting needles)

B is for your bountiful blessings
I is for your incredible ideas
R is for reading, which you love
T is for tea time together
H is for the happiness you spread
D is for Daddy, the man you love
A is for our appreciation for you
Y is for you and your birthday!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Delta pictures

Here is the little fishy dude!

Introducing Delta!

So pretty quick after Gamma's funeral, Dad, Mom and I all went to the pet store to pick out a new fish and get some new stuff to put in the tank. Delta is another beta, but he looks A LOT different! He is iridescent, which means when he turns one way he is pink and when he turns the other way he is purple. I thought it was the lighting at first, but it was not. It is really cool to watch. The tips of his fins are a deep aqua. He definitely is not as feisty as Gamma was, but that is okay. I will not miss getting attacked by my fish every time I walk in my room. Delta just hides if you make any sudden movement. I will definitely miss Gamma, but I look forward to my new adventures with Delta. Maybe I will post a picture of him, if he does not run away from my camera. :)

The Memory of a Good Friend

Friday night I was preparing for bed in my usual manner and I went to put Gamma, my beta fish to sleep. The routine consists of turning off the bubbles and light in his tank and feeding him. I poked him with the knitting needle I had sitting there to wake him up and he did not respond. Dad came in and poked him around and he still did not do anything. Gamma was gone. We gave him the usual burial at sea. :'(

Friday, April 20, 2012

Ice skating

Today I went ice skating with some of my friends. It was a lot of fun...until someone got hurt. Caleb fell really hard and got a bloody nose. Right now he is laying on the couch with an ice bag on his nose. I imagine that it hurts really bad. I made a new friend named Amanda today, which was half the point of going anyway, other than to have fun. :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Misty!

Misty sleeping with her tennis ball. This is a very common sight at our house.

Misty just being cute! :)

Seven years ago, on our way home from a Bible Drill competition, we stopped at the dog shelter just to look. Dad said before we got out of the car, "We are just looking. We are not going to get a dog." There was a sweet 9 month old puppy sitting in the little metal cage with her nose between her paws. We took her for a walk around the shelter and I was terrified of her little bark and jumping. Finally, Caleb said "We have formed a never ending bond of love!" Dad gave in and we got a dog. The sweetest and most adorable puppy we could ask for. Thankfully, I got over being afraid of her quickly and learned to love having an energetic dog. Happy Birthday Gorgeousful!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The smallest parking lot known to man

When we got to the hotel at APACHE, we searched out the parking garage. We found it, but there was a clearance of 6' 4''. There was no way we were going to get a minivan into that garage. Later, when we were talking to the people at the front desk to see if there was any close parking, the lady there said that she drove a little sports car that was not able to make the turns because they were so tight. All weekend we tried to figure out why someone would make a parking garage that was hard for little sports cars to park in.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Yaste of Yhai

The sign is supposed to say Taste of Thai, but the t's look like y's. This made the three of us start calling it the Yaste of Yhai. :)

I've been adopted!

Okay, not really, it was just for the weekend. When Mom and I went down to the vendor hall to set up, our name tags were laying on the table. Mom's was right, but mine was a little off. I had the wrong last name. Instead of having my true last name, I had our friend's last name, who was the speaker we were there helping. I am extremely used to having messed up name tags with a strange name like Khyrstyn, but this is the first time my last name has been messed up. It was not just messed up though, it was changed. We teased the entire weekend about me being secretly adopted.

Name tag classification at APACHE

So everyone has different colored name tags so everyone knows what they are there for. I was closely watching and observing all of the people and their different colored name tags and came up with this classification guide. (The part in parenthesis is what the people really are)

White stickers- sheeple. (the people who were just showed up that day and do not really know what they are doing)

White laminated- goatle. (the people who were already registered and sort of knew where they were going and what they were doing. They lead the sheeple.)

Green- These people did not get nicknames. (the people who are on the board of APACHE)

Green with gold ribbon- Royalty. (leaders of the board. These are the people you really wanted to look for if you needed something)

Blue- servants. (vendors or assistants of speakers. This is where I lay)

Red- Rockstars. (speakers)

So this is how I classified people. If I was told to find someone, I was instructed on what name tag color to look for with this list. I usually was instructed to find the queen, Charisa. She knew where everyone and everything was and most people referred to her.

The Itchy Indian

Well, as you can tell from the title, my weekend was very interesting. Honestly, it had nothing to do with indians, but that title is a comical error. There are two big homeschool conventions in Illinois. One is ICHE and one is APACHE. I mix them up all the time, so I decided just to call APACHE the itchy indian. That is where I spent my weekend.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ribbon and Patterns...well a pattern

Today Mom, Caleb, and I went to Hobby Lobby to get some glitter glue for a card I was making and Caleb wanted to look at the civil war infantry costumes for next school year. Mom and I started looking through some of the dress patterns and found an adorable summer dress for me. We also got the material to make it. It is a blue and white gingham. When I finish the sewing the dress I will take a picture and post it up here so you can see it.

While we were at Hobby Lobby, I found some ribbon that I adored. It is white with a black music notes on it. Brilliant me decided to try and play the music written on the ribbon. The time signature is four-four time, but the very first measure only had three and a half counts. This made me just sit at my piano and laugh. I quickly assumed that the ribbon was not meant to be inspected.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I saw this saying online and I thought I would share it with everyone.

When life gives you LIMES, rearrange the letters until they spell SMILE!

I like playing with words, so this was very amusing to me. :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Jesus is risen, is risen indeed! Allelu, allelu, alleluia, alleluia!!

These are the words to the song that the children's choir sang this morning at church. I thought they were perfect for the occasion. It is also the part that I have stuck in my head and cannot get out.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


As I mentioned in the last post, Dad and I were planting some hostas today. We planted them in a circle of dirt in the backyard. When Dad drew it out in the dirt, I told him that it looked like a target. There was another circle added into the target though when we started to get going and realized we had more than we knew what to do with. There are day lillies in the middle of the "target". In the middle of the day lillies, there is a blue pinwheel. It has two blades that spin opposite directions. It is really cool.

Good Friday

Yesterday was Good Friday. It is the day Christians set apart to commemorate Jesus' death on the cross. In the morning, I pretty much didn't do anything, but after lunch things started to get moving at my house. Mom was trying to make business cards, Dad was planting hostas in the backyard and Misty needed to run. I do not remember what order most things went in because they were all intertwined, but here's what I did. Caleb and I took Misty for a walk down to the park, which has a HUGE field she can play frisbee in. Misty was so tired she decided to stop bringing the frisbee back to us. She would locate it and then come back and lay at our feet. Mom and I went to the office store to get her business cards made. I helped Dad plant the hostas in our dirt circle in the backyard, which we are going to do more of today because we did not finish yesterday. Mom and I went back to the office store to pick up her business cards. After that whirlwind, we had to eat a really fast dinner and go to our Good Friday service at church. I like the Good Friday service because it puts our minds in the right spot for Easter. There is also a lot of singing. I like that part a lot too. So that is how yesterday went in my world.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


On Sunday, the sign language choir plus two did the song Blessings by Laura Story. I can honestly say this is the first time that I am sad a song is over. :'( This was by far the most fun song that we have ever done for special music.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


My purple tulips under my window.

The inside of my white tulips. I really like these.

A red tulip in the middle of two hosta plants.

You know the giddyups I told you about?

One of Misty's favorite pastimes is barking at the birds hiding in the tree in the front yard.
Misty says "Come help me get the birds!"

Today is a wonderful day. It is really nice outside and all the flowers are blooming. Perfect for the week of Easter!