Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rivers, Shells, and Shoes

Thursday I went to a friends house to play. We went down to the river by their house (the Illinois River) and collected shells. We also took our shoes off and walked around on the sand and in the river, which was freezing cold. We found a bunch of little clam shells, a few snail shells, and a couple really cool pearly looking shells. Our favorites were by far the pearly shells. After that we went to the prayer meeting at church.

Friday Mom, Dad, and I went looking for me and mom a new gym, because the one we are going to is stopping for the summer. Thankfully we found one pretty quick. After that we went to get me some new gym shoes because my old ones are falling apart. My new shoes are blue, silver, and white. They are really cool looking.When we got home, Caleb and I took Misty down to the park to play frisbee for a little while.

Saturday was a pretty laid back day. We really did not do much. Dad and I went and refilled the tires on the van with air and got switches for Delta's fish tank. The switches are so I can turn off the light in there at night and not have to turn my clock off. (they are plugged into the same power strip.)

Today was church. Then we went to lunch at SubWay and came home. Dad is trying to get some work done outside before it starts raining, which it looks like will happen soon. By the way, for anyone reading this that does not have the link to my other blog, here it is. You will have to read it to find out what it is about! :) (It is actually a joint blog that I am doing with a dear friend; codename Sassafrass)

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