Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Today is Mom's birthday! We did her birthday lunch yesterday after church at Chef Klaus. It is a German restaurant about half an hour away. It was very good. Mom got a spinach and swiss cheese covered schnitzel. Caleb got normal breaded schnitzel. Dad got some strange looking kind of schnitzel. I really am not sure what his was. I got jager schnitzel. It has a gravy on it and is covered in bacon and mushrooms. Usually, I do not like mushrooms, but this was really good. I am going to have the rest for lunch today. I spent most of my morning making a banner for her birthday. It has kind of an acrostic on it. The main part says Happy Birthday and under each page it has something that letter stands for. Here is what it says:
H is for your humble spirit
A is for your abounding love
P is for all the precious moments
P is for your priceless hugs
Y is for the yarn you love (the y here is made of knitting needles)

B is for your bountiful blessings
I is for your incredible ideas
R is for reading, which you love
T is for tea time together
H is for the happiness you spread
D is for Daddy, the man you love
A is for our appreciation for you
Y is for you and your birthday!

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