Saturday, April 7, 2012

Good Friday

Yesterday was Good Friday. It is the day Christians set apart to commemorate Jesus' death on the cross. In the morning, I pretty much didn't do anything, but after lunch things started to get moving at my house. Mom was trying to make business cards, Dad was planting hostas in the backyard and Misty needed to run. I do not remember what order most things went in because they were all intertwined, but here's what I did. Caleb and I took Misty for a walk down to the park, which has a HUGE field she can play frisbee in. Misty was so tired she decided to stop bringing the frisbee back to us. She would locate it and then come back and lay at our feet. Mom and I went to the office store to get her business cards made. I helped Dad plant the hostas in our dirt circle in the backyard, which we are going to do more of today because we did not finish yesterday. Mom and I went back to the office store to pick up her business cards. After that whirlwind, we had to eat a really fast dinner and go to our Good Friday service at church. I like the Good Friday service because it puts our minds in the right spot for Easter. There is also a lot of singing. I like that part a lot too. So that is how yesterday went in my world.

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