Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A little more catching up

I did not quite finish posting about my weekend. Thursday I went to Kylee's house with three of my other friends. It was a blast! We walked down to the river and had a picnic lunch on the rocks. Then we played in the river a little bit. We tried our hardest not to get wet above our knees. :) Some succeeded and some failed. There were speed boats going by and they created really big waves. It was fun when the waves came crashing into the shore. I promised more pictures, so here are some of the pictures from that day.

The five of us ready to go on our adventure!

Sharyssa and I eating lunch on the big rock.

Kylee playing in the river.

Sharyssa, Rebekah, and I all enjoying the view.

Katherine posing for the camera.

Sharyssa thoroughly enjoying the wind. :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A little catching up

Okay, I know I haven't been on here recently. There is a lot of stuff that has happened this weekend and I have pictures for all of it. Since pictures are worth a thousand words, I will just post the pictures.

Here are Caleb and I ready for Fake Prom

A picture a little closer up (and inside so we are not squinting)
Isabella (the two year old we were watching Friday) singing to me. 

I will put up some more pictures later.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Fake Prom

This weekend was fake prom. It is a prom that a youth group puts on, so all the music is appropriate and the dancing is clean. You are assigned a date when you get there. My "date" was one of Caleb's friends and my friend's brother. That made my friend laugh really hard. Before prom, I had a Miracle League game. Then I had to come home, get a shower, and get to the mall for my hair appointment. All I had them do was straighten my hair, but we could not do it fast enough. After my hair appointment, Caleb and I had pictures at the other end of the mall. This made it very strange, because I had to walk through the mall in my formal and two inch heels. While I was getting my hair done, Mom went and got me a smoothie.
Me getting my hair done for fake prom.

French Poodle

Me doing French on my computer and Gwen begging for attention.

Isn't she cute?
We are dog-sitting for a friend and the dog is a poodle. She is little and black...and has only three legs. Her name is Gwendolin, but they call her Gwen. She is about 14 years old and has a lot of trouble walking so she lays beside me on the couch while I do random things (work on my computer, watch tv, read, etc.) While I was working on French, I started laughing, because I realized I was doing French with a poodle beside me. At the moment, she is laying against me and trying to lick my hands while I type.

Friday, May 18, 2012


Last night I went to a concert at the local middle school. It was pretty good. I was surprised how good they were since it was a middle school (5th-8th grade). The 5th and 6th grade choir did some Disney songs, along with some others. The 7th-8th grade choir did a WICKED melody and a whole lot more songs. There was a swing choir there that did several songs, including the Spiderman theme song. That one was quite amusing. :) The only big difference from the swing choir is that they danced. Overall, the concert was really good.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sweater Picture

Here is a picture of the sweater Mom knitted me. In the picture me and Caleb are getting ready to walk out the door to go to church.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Homeschool Expo and Miracle League

Thursday we went to a homeschool expo about half an hour away. It was REALLY small. There were probably only about 15-20 venders there, if that. Anyone who has been to a convention knows how small that is. There was one vender that had stuffed animals that you could put scent packs into so they smelled good. (The main thing they sold was the little wax melters and wax to go in them.) Okay, so something you have to know about me is I love stuffed lions, elephants, and llamas. I find them extremely cute. So at this specific vender there was a stuffed lion. There was a big one and a little one. I got the little one. All of my stuffed lions have names that start with Sa. I do not know why this is, but it is so. My new baby lion's name is Salahi. It is said like salami, except with an h instead of an m. It means excellent in Swahili.

Saturday was opening day of Miracle League. It is baseball for special needs kids. There is a little boy at our church who is autistic and he asked me to play with him. I basically just keep him focused on the game so he does not get hit and tell him when to run. It was really fun. Other than the fact it was raining on and off the whole game, we both had a really good time.

Quite a while ago, Mom found a pattern for a ballet sweater that I fell in love with. She said she would make it for me eventually. I patiently waited, and it paid off! I now have a blue-ish ballet sweater. I might put a picture of me in it up here later if I think about it. I am not the best at remembering things, if you have not figured this out already.


Like it says, no time to explain.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bat in the Belfry...well...Sanctuary

At choir Monday night, there was a bat flying around in the sanctuary. It freaked me out a little bit, but then I started to enjoy watching it. Bats are really amazing creatures. They can fly around with hardly any eye sight and do not run into anything. With all the pillars and people in the sanctuary, I thought it would run into something, but it never did. At first, I thought it was a sparrow that had just gotten into the church. Then I thought it was Pastor Greene's bird that is in his office had maybe gotten out. At this point, everyone said "BAT!!" The reactions were pretty funny. On the way home. Caleb, Dad, and I decided to name the bat Belfry. This is the second time that there has been a bat in the church. Once was before the hymn sing, which I was not at, so I only have stories about that time. As far as we know, Belfry is still flying around in the church building somewhere.

To work on our annunciation, which our choir is not good at, we were walking around the sanctuary (before Belfry was discovered) and moving one arm around. This was to keep us moving. One reason that we are not having great annunciation at practices is because it is 7:30-8:30 at night, so we are all really tired. This is why moving around was supposed to help. Unfortunately, it did not help much because we were all laughing too hard. The boys looked like they were doing ballet. :) It was a good attempt, but we were really slap happy.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Avengers and Small Group

Friday night we went to the movie theater to see the Avengers. It was sold out. I do not think I really want to go to any movies, but the Hobbit. on opening night. It was insane! When we got home, Mom reserved tickets for Saturday. It was a really good movie, compared to the other superhero movies. I would actually watch it again, which is saying something for me. :)

Yesterday we also had small group. Kylee and I went down to the creek by our friend's house we were at and adventured. We were barefoot and there was a lot of poison ivy and rocks. My feet are a little scratched up, but I do not have poison ivy, so that is very good. There was a log laying over the creek and we sat there for a while throwing leaves into the creek and watching them float as far as we could see. It was really fun!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Music Man

Today I went with a bunch of my friends to watch my best friend, Sharyssa in CYT's production of Music Man. It was really good!! Sharyssa did amazing and I am quite proud of her. Afterwards, we went out to lunch with some of our friends that we were riding with and then came home. I wish that I could see their curtain call though. They had to cut them off because the schools had to get out on time. Sharyssa has informed me that they are cool to watch. That is pretty much my only complain from the entire show. :)