Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bat in the Belfry...well...Sanctuary

At choir Monday night, there was a bat flying around in the sanctuary. It freaked me out a little bit, but then I started to enjoy watching it. Bats are really amazing creatures. They can fly around with hardly any eye sight and do not run into anything. With all the pillars and people in the sanctuary, I thought it would run into something, but it never did. At first, I thought it was a sparrow that had just gotten into the church. Then I thought it was Pastor Greene's bird that is in his office had maybe gotten out. At this point, everyone said "BAT!!" The reactions were pretty funny. On the way home. Caleb, Dad, and I decided to name the bat Belfry. This is the second time that there has been a bat in the church. Once was before the hymn sing, which I was not at, so I only have stories about that time. As far as we know, Belfry is still flying around in the church building somewhere.

To work on our annunciation, which our choir is not good at, we were walking around the sanctuary (before Belfry was discovered) and moving one arm around. This was to keep us moving. One reason that we are not having great annunciation at practices is because it is 7:30-8:30 at night, so we are all really tired. This is why moving around was supposed to help. Unfortunately, it did not help much because we were all laughing too hard. The boys looked like they were doing ballet. :) It was a good attempt, but we were really slap happy.

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