Monday, June 25, 2012


After Church, we came home for lunch and then ran out the door to go to camp. When we arrived, staff were jumping up and down telling us where to go, all the way to which parking spot to park in. Immediately my door opened and one of the staff boys took my stuff up to my dorm room. We checked in and got our team color bands. I was blue and Caleb was red. The four colors are blue, green, red, and yellow. I got my key and then set my dorm up. While I was getting my room ready, my room mate came in and we started getting to know each other. Her name is Alicia (uh-lee-cee-uh). Margaret was also up there. She was my suit mate. After my room was set up, I went back down to say good-bye to my parents. I ran into one of my friends from church, which was really nice. It gave me a kind of peace knowing there was a girl that I already knew. After that all the campers were pulled into a gargantuan circle (130+ kids and staff). We learned the official WVA (Worldview Academy) call. Leader: "Tally!" Students: "HO!" Then we split up, girls and guys, to learn out small groups and leaders. I was in Jennifer's small group. There were eight girls and our leader. Sarah, Alicia, Anna, Summer, Margaret, Joelle, Kathryn, and me. We talked for a while, then went to dinner. The cafeteria has the best food! Then we had orientation. Basically, just laying down all the rules. Our first lecture came swiftly after that. The title of the lecture was "What Kind of Monster Are You?" We were talking about whether Christians are more like Jekyll and Hyde or Frankenstein. Just for those who are wondering, we are like Jekyll and Hyde because we are the only religion that believes man is inherently sinful.  Then we had worship time and our next lecture. The next lecture was an introductory to worldviews. We talked about several different religions and their worldviews. We talked about 9 different points about worldviews. After that we had a short little girl time where they talked to the girls and guys separately reiterating the rules. Then it was small group time, which they call t-time. We had a short talk about the day and cleared up anything that needed to be about the rules. All of us then went up to our rooms to get ready for bed. Alicia and I could NOT fall asleep. At this point, I must describe our room. There were two beds about 4 feet off the ground with a small dresser underneath. Right above our small closets was a smoke alarm that had two green flashing lights. Right outside our giant window was a lamp post that stays on ALL NIGHT. The walls were pure white and the carpet was gray. Now I can continue with the day. Alicia and I started comparing our room to a jail cell. There were blank walls, a search light shining into the room, and a security camera. Now you try sleeping! Alicia and I then opened our blinds and used the spotlight to see as we drew pictures and then used sticky foam to stick up our lovely drawings on the walls. This concludes the end of day 1.

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