Thursday, June 28, 2012


I woke up a little late, which was unfortunate for everyone. We had our usual devotions, quiet times, breakfast, and the continuation of Phase 10. Then we had our first two lectures. After the second lecture, we usually go to lunch, but today was special. We were given a short explanation of what we were going to be doing that afternoon. We were also split up into two waves. I was in wave one, which meant I got lunch first. After lunch, wave one all went out to the parking lot. Then we were split up into groups of three or four with at least one boy and one girl. My group had three girls and a boy. Anna, Alicia, me, and Austin. We found out our buses were waiting for us at the other end of campus, so wave one went in mass across campus. Brandon yelled out names of small groups to jump on either bus 1 or bus 2. We were told to sit in our groups of 3 or 4 on the bus ride. Wave 1 was on their way to evangelizing. Don't worry, we had a lot more briefing than the little talk before lunch. Once we got to the small town we were going to be evangelizing, they briefed us one more time and told us our boundaries. We had 45 minutes to talk to anyone on the street. My group had quite a bit of problems finding people to talk to, but then we found a Starbucks and just caught people on their way out. We were using a tract called 'The Ten Commandment Survey'. After our 45 minutes were up, we got back on the buses and went back to campus to watch a video of Bill Jack doing what we just did. This was extremely intriguing. When the other group got back, we had a debriefing where we got to tell stories of our time evangelizing. Then we got dinner and our usual night continued. A lecture, worship, the next lecture, the t-time. Jennifer told us all to go get ready for bed then meet her in her room in 40 minutes. All of us did what she said and we were glad we did! When we walked into her room, she had nail polish and fresh baked chocolate chip cookies waiting for us. They were some of the best cookies I have ever eaten! Warm and gooey straight out of the oven. All of us thanked her over and over that night. After we all painted our nails in our team colors, ate our cookies, and then went to bed. The end of the first day that everyone evaluated with a 5, the highest number, which means we LOVED the day.

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