Thursday, June 28, 2012


Today everyone woke up with a different attitude than most days. It was color team challenge day. We all excitedly got up and went to our devotions, quiet times, breakfast, and our first two lectures. Lunch seemed to creep by as we waited to go get ready for the challenges they had planned for us. Finally, Jennifer took us all back to the dorms to get ready. Alicia and I decked out in all the blue we could find. Then was the most important part of the day. During our normal small group time, Jennifer started walking us all over campus. We ended up in the dorm lobby. Then Jennifer took us towards the first floor lobby, which is usually where we had t-time. Before we got to the door, there was a piece of paper with an invitation to a tea party hosted by another small group. When we walked in, they all started cheering and welcoming us. All our group could thing was that we were way too spoiled. The only reason the other small group did this was to get to know our group a little better. All of us had cups with our names and some pictures on them. Unfortunately that ended way too soon. Then we all met outside the lecture hall/cafeteria. Our color teams all got together and started working on our cheers, which were part of the competition. Then they made everyone go find their small groups so they could know everyone was there. We all then ran back into our color teams and marched over to the football field. Then we had about 15 minutes to work on our cheers. Ours was going to be really cool, but we had two guys leading it and we never ended up practicing. We went first and failed, but all the other teams did really well. Then we had our relay. There were several physical and mental challenges we had to accomplish to win. Blue team did win that. We were all very excited!!! Unfortunately  we did not know until Friday morning that we had won because it was really close with the yellow team. Next was the renowned leaders vs. students Ultimate Frisbee game. We got the closest score in seven years. The students were only one point behind the leaders when the leaders called time. This was on purpose so that they won. :) Then we had a little bit of time before dinner so we could all shower. Dinner went fast, then we played a game of spoons. We had our next lecture then the award of the Spamley Cup. In other words, the people who overall won the competition today. It ended up being the green team. Then we had worship and another lecture. Next was campfire. There was no fire though. It was just for us to all talk about our favorite parts of the week and share what we learned. We also sang some songs. After campfire, we had our last t-time. We just evaluated our day, then Jennifer sent us all to go pack up as much as we could that night. Lights out was at 12:15 because of this. We all quickly fell asleep that night. This was the end of our last night at camp. :'(

1 comment:

  1. I've really enjoyed reading about your time and I'm sad it's almost over too. :'''''''(
