Wednesday, June 27, 2012


We got up in the morning and quickly took our showers. Then rushed to devotions and quiet times, which were on integrity. We ate breakfast and started a game of Phase 10. We pretty much just did one round and all but one person was still on phase 1. Then we went to our first lecture of the day, got a ten minute break, in which we played the foot game/ninja. Next we had another lecture and then our transition into lunch. Transitions are basically just crowd control down the hall into the cafeteria. Girls always go first, no matter what. For some reason, my small group was almost always one of the first groups through. After lunch, we had small group time. We talked about the five pillars of servant leadership. Next was free time. Alicia, Anna, and I all went with several other kids to play basketball, but all the other kids wanted to play on the indoor court, which we were told several times not to play on. Alicia and I did not like this idea, so we went and played ultimate frisbee. After a while, I started to get over heated, so I went and got a cold shower and a cold drink. Then I watched the end of a game of mafia. Then our small group met up and we ate dinner. After dinner, we continued our game of Phase 10. We had our next lecture, worship, our last lecture, then my favorite part of the day. T-time. After the group evaluated the day, we played a game where Jennifer put oreos on our foreheads and we had to get them to our mouths without using our hands. She turned music on and we started the race. Anna won, then Sarah and I tied. After that, the three of us were laughing so hard we could not keep track of who finished next. Joelle unfortunately never was able to accomplish this task. She took an oreo to her room and tried for the next 15 minutes to get the cookie into her mouth. She never did. After lights out, Alicia and I looked out our window because we glanced and saw one of the boys rooms still had the light on. We saw two boys waving and dancing in the window. This, of course, made us start laughing hysterically and we kept watching. We know they could not see us because we were staying under the bushes in front of our window. They started doing 'morse code' with a flashlight after they turned their main lights off. We got our flashlight and started doing the same. We know that they were not talking to us, but it was still amusing to watch. Unfortunately, some staff members were walking by on the path right outside our window, so we had to stop. By the way, for those who are wondering, we never did find out which of the boys were doing this or who they were really talking to. We think it was some of the staff, because they had a HUGE room. The mystery will just have to remain. :)