Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Dear Friends and Family,
I hope your Christmas was as wonderful as mine. This morning when we got up, all of us opened one present (except Dad who opened two because we accidentally gave him the wrong thing to start with). Then we went to Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast after getting ready for church. After church we went to Morris hospital to say hi to the Davidsons. They were there waiting for their grandson, Carter, to be born. Then we came home and opened the rest of our presents. I got a lot of pajamas and hoodies, which makes me very happy. I also got a straightening iron for my hair, a cookie scoop, and some magnetic earrings. I also got a game called Scrabble flash. I would try to explain, but it is a little hard. Then we had lunch and called all of our family. Me and Caleb together got a singing game for the Wii, so we played that a lot after lunch. That pretty much sums up my Christmas. I wish you all a super merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve!

I am so excited that Christmas is tomorrow! At the moment, the boys are wrestling in the living room and I am sitting on the little couch trying not to get hit. Misty has just joined the battle and is contributing her evil bark. I think Misty wins. My dad just announced to the family we are going to the mall for a reason that makes no sense. I don't know why we have to go to the mall today. My dad said that we are going to do a humanities study. I hope that everyone enjoys their Christmas Eve. I have to go practice piano. I am playing the prelude at church tomorrow. That is by far the best thing to play at church because pretty much no one is paying any attention. Yipee!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A brilliant and horrible idea

So right before the piano recital, me, Sharyssa, Katherine, Kylee, and Rebekah were all singing in the kitchen and just being ourselves when Mrs. Greene asked us if we would like to sing it at the end of the recital. We all thought that is sounded like a wonderful idea at the time. We said that we wanted to do it just the five of us and the piano and not have any of the boys. We only had one copy of the music and searched all over the church trying to find the copies that we used for the choir this morning. We were unsuccessful, but Mr. Davidson (Kylee's dad) said that he could make copies of our music in about 10 minutes. So he was very generous and made the copies for us. Then Mrs. Greene had the idea to have Rachel come play the flute with us, but Rachel could not make it in time. When we got up there none of us started when we were supposed to and Mrs. Greene had to go back several measures and then tell us when to come in. Then we all messed up multiple times and we thought it was a total train wreck. Everyone else said we did good, but I do not believe them. So we learned our lesson, but I think if we were to do it again we would not do it any different.

The end of my crazy weekend

So the weekend is almost over. I guess I will start with Friday. Feed My Starving Children was tons of fun. We packed food for families that cannot afford to buy food or do not have any food in their village or town. All the food we packed is probably going to the horn of Africa. After FMSC we went to the sleepover, which is always a blast. Me, my brother, and a good friend all played Guitar Hero and slept in the living room on little fold out beds. (they are really comfortable despite how they sound) In the morning we all got donuts then me and my friend made cookies. After Me and Caleb got home, I had to make Gingerbread for our small group Christmas party and my piano recital. Then we went to the Christmas party. That was crazy, but a lot of fun. One little boy named Matthew clung to me the whole time. He is 2 and adorable. This morning, we got up and went to church. The breakfast was tasty as always. Church went well and choir was really fun. Then we went to Subway for lunch and came back to the church to start preparing for the piano recital. First Kylee, Sharyssa, and I all tried to do our trio, but found that it did not work. The recital went well and we all had fun. That pretty much sums up my weekend.

Friday, December 16, 2011

A glimpse into my Christmas break

Today begins a hectic weekend. I am going to Feed My Starving Children in Aurora. Then I have to come home and pack to go to a Christmas sleepover. Tomorrow I when I come home I have to bake for our church small group Christmas party. Then Sunday is the Christmas service at church and my Christmas piano recital. We also have the Christmas breakfast.(that is my favorite part) For the Christmas service, I am singing in the choir and we are doing 3 songs. One is with the children's choir and then the other two are just the adult choir, which almost has more pre-teens and teens than adults. Calypso Lullaby is definitely my favorite song that we are doing. We all tease that we are going to wear bright colorful dresses on stage and have maracas because it is just one of those songs. Anyone in the choir knows what I mean. So that is what my weekend looks like. I better go practice for my piano recital now. I still have a lot of work to do on the song that I am playing. Hopefully it will be ready in time. I will be back after all of this hecticness goes on and tell you all about it.

P.S. If you have not figured out yet I am a little bit ADHD today. lol

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The start of something new

Hi! My name is Simba. This blog will just sort of be a day in the life of an average homeschooled teenage girl, who isn't so average. I like lions, elephants, knitting, playing outside, being active, and music of all sorts (I play piano, but I like to listen to all different kinds of music, especially acapella). I have one brother and a dog named Misty. I am technically in 9th grade, but being homeschooled my subjects are kind of all over the place. I hope that this will not be too boring for anyone and that it will give you a glimpse into my life.

P.S. If you want to comment, just click on the post and it will give you an area to comment.