Sunday, December 18, 2011

A brilliant and horrible idea

So right before the piano recital, me, Sharyssa, Katherine, Kylee, and Rebekah were all singing in the kitchen and just being ourselves when Mrs. Greene asked us if we would like to sing it at the end of the recital. We all thought that is sounded like a wonderful idea at the time. We said that we wanted to do it just the five of us and the piano and not have any of the boys. We only had one copy of the music and searched all over the church trying to find the copies that we used for the choir this morning. We were unsuccessful, but Mr. Davidson (Kylee's dad) said that he could make copies of our music in about 10 minutes. So he was very generous and made the copies for us. Then Mrs. Greene had the idea to have Rachel come play the flute with us, but Rachel could not make it in time. When we got up there none of us started when we were supposed to and Mrs. Greene had to go back several measures and then tell us when to come in. Then we all messed up multiple times and we thought it was a total train wreck. Everyone else said we did good, but I do not believe them. So we learned our lesson, but I think if we were to do it again we would not do it any different.


  1. Hey there, Simba! Spontanaety (SP??) is fun, though.... and I have learned through many many performances that your own personal opinion of how badly you did is usually waaaaayyyyy worse than what the audience thinks.... most of them are out there thinking: "Wow! those girls singing are sure brave! They have courage.... I could NEVER in a million years do that..."

    Remember also that you are your own worse critic!

    I wish I could have been there and heard y'all.... BTW. what piece did you perform on the piano??

    AUnt Jen

  2. I played Angels We Have Heard on High in the style of Mozart's Sonata in C.
