Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A crazy day

               Sunday was incredibly insane. In the morning, I really wanted to check the cast list for 'Fiddler on the Roof', but I had promised somebody in particular I would not look. This drove me crazy until we left for church. My mom did tell me that she learned from Chandler's mom that he was Tevye (the father). I was super excited! Unfortunately, I still did not know who Sharyssa was. We went to church and I had nursery, so I did not know when Sharyssa got there. I was talking to one of my other friends, and then we told my dad we were waiting for Sharyssa. Katherine went up to check and my dad told me she was already there. I flew up the stairs as fast as I could. When I got up there, I walked at a very fast pace towards her. She was in!! She is a villager mama. I cannot wait to see the show!
            After church, we came home and let the dogs out (we are watching Gwendalin), got changed, and ate lunch. We sat around for a little while, then left to go to a friend's graduation party. It was at an equestrian center, so we got to be led around on horses. The horse I rode was named Princess. She was beautiful. The graduation party was a lot of fun. There were six kids and we all sat around to talk. I don't remember the names of everyone, because I did not know two of them at all.

Above is a picture of my riding Princess. We were in the indoor arena because it was really, really muddy outside from the rain.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fiddler on the Roof Auditions

Last night I went to my dear friend Sharyssa's audition for 'Fiddler on the Roof'. She was fantastic!! They came and picked me up last night and then went to pick up Rebekah, Katherine, and Kylee. Then we drove to the auditions and had quite amusing conversations all the way there. When we got there, we said hello to some people we knew and then went and sat down to watch the group before Sharyssa's. They all did really well. Then we watched Sharyssa's group preform. One of my old friends was in her group and he did amazing. If you are going to know anything about Chandler it is that he is a comedian. When he got on the stage he immediately made everyone start laughing. All the directors just sat back to enjoy, not taking any notes. :) Sharyssa sang the song 'Heart' from a musical I will not say the name of. She had great stage presence, annunciation, and never went off pitch. It was ultimately perfect. <3 Afterwards, we talked with our friends a little bit, then went back towards home and stopped at Culver's for ice cream to celebrate. Then we dropped off Rebekah, Katherine, and Kylee and the Whites and headed homeward bound. :) Sharyssa and I laughed literally the entire way home. It was a wonderful time! This morning Sharyssa called me and told me she has been called back!! She is in the top 16 girls and there are 8 girl leads. That pretty much means she is either a lead or an understudy. :) I cannot wait for her to tell me who she got tomorrow!!! The only thing I am not happy about is she made me promise I would not look up the cast list tomorrow morning so she could tell me and it would be a surprise. That will be a torturous morning. Anyway, she has asked for prayers all of today while she is at her call back and for tonight while she awaits the cast list. She is hoping to be the youngest sister that marries (at a loss for knowing how to say her name). The one that marries the 'gentile'. So she does have a good chance of getting her and all of us are hoping she does. Good luck Sharyssa!!! 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Lots of little things

So I haven't posted in a little while and there have been a few things that have happened, all of them are just kind of random.

Sunday Sharyssa came over for a little bit so we could just have time to be together and to work on the play (sassafrassandsimba.blogspot.com). We wanted to take some pop into my room, but that required us to put lids on the cups. Thus we were drinking from sippy cups.

So that was that. Today I was taking pictures of Izzy and thought I would put some of them up here.
Throwing the frisbee for Misty.


"I got it!!"

Playing on the scooter.
So that is what has been going on in my life.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Isabella and the Mayflower

This week we started watching a 2 year old named Isabella, but we call her Izzy. She is incredibly adorable. I am watching her for my child development class. We also watch her older brother, who is in first grade, for about an hour in the afternoon. His name is Ethan. Yesterday I was practicing my piano while Izzy played with my dolls, and she decided she wanted to play with me. Slowly, little Izzy crawled up into my lap and started playing the piano. At first it was like all little kids play, banging their hands and giggling. Then she watched me for a minute and put her hands on the piano with her fingers curved. She played each key individually, trying to copy the song I was playing. It was so cute! I love my little Izzybella!

Since we don't have Izzy today, Caleb and I had to do a school assignment concerning the Mayflower. We both have to do six hours of our school in a 7 foot by 2 1/2 foot box on the floor. Thankfully, we both have our own little boxes marked out with masking tape. Everything we need had to be in the box when we started. After we had been sitting there a while, Mom told us we had one minute to collect anything else we needed. Now I am at my last 3 minutes and am hoping it beeps soon, because I did not bring enough food. Caleb started 30 minutes after me, so he still has 32 minutes. I now feel for the people in the Mayflower. This has been miserable.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The first week of school

Well....it has been quite a while. Last Monday was my first day of school. The first week always goes by really fast and is always really easy (just because it is all review).
History: KONOS American History
Writing: (same as above)
Bible: (same as above)
Literature: American Lit (KONOS)
Math: Algebra 2 (Math U See)
Science: Child Development and Embryology (Way more curiculums than I can count)
Music: Piano

This may not look like much work, but it is all senior level work (except piano, which is just at my ability level). Doing this as a sophomore is quite difficult. I used to be able to have all of my school done before lunch, now I work until 3:30 at the earliest. :( Hopefully I will get into a routine soon. 

Oh yeah....our air conditioner is still broken. Thankfully the weather has cooled off quite a bit, so it is not bad. All the windows in the house just stay open all the time. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Church picnic and first day of school

Saturday was our church picnic. It is the first picnic I have been able to go to in a long time because of Miracle League. It was a ton of fun. My friends and I got to talk quite a bit, which I like a lot. There was also a little hidden area that Sharyssa and I found, which was really cool.

Today was my first day of school. I got up pretty early and did my math. Then later this morning, some of the kids in our co-op (the ones that are starting early) came to our house. That went really well. After that I finished the rest of my school with ease. The day is now done.

Another thing going on at my house is the air conditioner is broken. We have fans blowing all over the place and the windows open, because it is cooler outside. Hopefully we will get it fixed soon. :) Dad is giving Misty a bath right now to cool her off. She is quite happy about that.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

An innocent bike ride

In my last post I mentioned that I talked to a police officer. I figured you would all like to know what that was about. Last Thursday, one of my friends and I went for an innocent bike ride down to a park near my house. While we were putting flowers in our hair, being totally normal, a police officer approached us. We thought at first he did not want us to be picking the flowers, so we pulled our hands off really slowly. When he made it across the field we were in, he pointed to a bike and asked if it was either of ours. Quickly we replied it was not and he left us. A couple minutes later he returned and said there was a mistake and pointed to a dark blue bike on the other side of the park and asked if we rode that one. Calmly, we said yes. Mr. Police officer asked us if he could see the VIN number on the bike because it matched the profile of a bike that was stolen from the area. Very willingly me and my friend went over and flipped the bike. While he was writing down the numbers, another police officer came up to us. This one was quite a bit more threatening than the other one. He had a bullet proof vest, guns, and handcuffs. My friend and I were terrified! Both of us were ready to just give them the bike. Thankfully, the number did not match and the police officers thanked us and left. We decided it was time to go home. :) All the way home we were laughing about us being villains. When we returned to my house we told my mom and she teased us about having flower power. We couldn't stop laughing. That was our encounter with a police officer. :)

Countdown to the First Day of School

Summer has gone by way too fast! I start school in 5 days, so I thought I would highlight my summer for everybody.

  • Played Miracle League Baseball
  • Attended Worldview Academy
  • Turned 15
  • Had a surprise birthday for Sharyssa's Sweet 16
  • Had piano lessons
  • Enjoyed lots of bike rides
  • Talked to a police officer
  • Had many a play dates with my friends
  • Competed in high school vs. college group olympics

That is pretty much all I did this summer other than just relaxing and not worrying about school, which is what summer is about, right?