Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fiddler on the Roof Auditions

Last night I went to my dear friend Sharyssa's audition for 'Fiddler on the Roof'. She was fantastic!! They came and picked me up last night and then went to pick up Rebekah, Katherine, and Kylee. Then we drove to the auditions and had quite amusing conversations all the way there. When we got there, we said hello to some people we knew and then went and sat down to watch the group before Sharyssa's. They all did really well. Then we watched Sharyssa's group preform. One of my old friends was in her group and he did amazing. If you are going to know anything about Chandler it is that he is a comedian. When he got on the stage he immediately made everyone start laughing. All the directors just sat back to enjoy, not taking any notes. :) Sharyssa sang the song 'Heart' from a musical I will not say the name of. She had great stage presence, annunciation, and never went off pitch. It was ultimately perfect. <3 Afterwards, we talked with our friends a little bit, then went back towards home and stopped at Culver's for ice cream to celebrate. Then we dropped off Rebekah, Katherine, and Kylee and the Whites and headed homeward bound. :) Sharyssa and I laughed literally the entire way home. It was a wonderful time! This morning Sharyssa called me and told me she has been called back!! She is in the top 16 girls and there are 8 girl leads. That pretty much means she is either a lead or an understudy. :) I cannot wait for her to tell me who she got tomorrow!!! The only thing I am not happy about is she made me promise I would not look up the cast list tomorrow morning so she could tell me and it would be a surprise. That will be a torturous morning. Anyway, she has asked for prayers all of today while she is at her call back and for tonight while she awaits the cast list. She is hoping to be the youngest sister that marries (at a loss for knowing how to say her name). The one that marries the 'gentile'. So she does have a good chance of getting her and all of us are hoping she does. Good luck Sharyssa!!! 

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