Monday, August 6, 2012

Church picnic and first day of school

Saturday was our church picnic. It is the first picnic I have been able to go to in a long time because of Miracle League. It was a ton of fun. My friends and I got to talk quite a bit, which I like a lot. There was also a little hidden area that Sharyssa and I found, which was really cool.

Today was my first day of school. I got up pretty early and did my math. Then later this morning, some of the kids in our co-op (the ones that are starting early) came to our house. That went really well. After that I finished the rest of my school with ease. The day is now done.

Another thing going on at my house is the air conditioner is broken. We have fans blowing all over the place and the windows open, because it is cooler outside. Hopefully we will get it fixed soon. :) Dad is giving Misty a bath right now to cool her off. She is quite happy about that.

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