Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A crazy day

               Sunday was incredibly insane. In the morning, I really wanted to check the cast list for 'Fiddler on the Roof', but I had promised somebody in particular I would not look. This drove me crazy until we left for church. My mom did tell me that she learned from Chandler's mom that he was Tevye (the father). I was super excited! Unfortunately, I still did not know who Sharyssa was. We went to church and I had nursery, so I did not know when Sharyssa got there. I was talking to one of my other friends, and then we told my dad we were waiting for Sharyssa. Katherine went up to check and my dad told me she was already there. I flew up the stairs as fast as I could. When I got up there, I walked at a very fast pace towards her. She was in!! She is a villager mama. I cannot wait to see the show!
            After church, we came home and let the dogs out (we are watching Gwendalin), got changed, and ate lunch. We sat around for a little while, then left to go to a friend's graduation party. It was at an equestrian center, so we got to be led around on horses. The horse I rode was named Princess. She was beautiful. The graduation party was a lot of fun. There were six kids and we all sat around to talk. I don't remember the names of everyone, because I did not know two of them at all.

Above is a picture of my riding Princess. We were in the indoor arena because it was really, really muddy outside from the rain.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I'm reading a book about horses and it's really making me want one. :)
