Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day

Today was labor day. I was not feeling too good this morning, so I just sat around. Then I had to do some school, because I do not have off. Thankfully I got a lot of my history done so I don't have to do as much when we have Izzy. A little while before lunch, Mom and I started working through my math. Algebra 2 is not fun. That took until lunch. We ate leftovers and Dad finished some strange war type movie he was watching. After a while, Mom and I worked some more on math until I finally understood what I was supposed to be doing. I still have not quite finished, but I got really close. Mom and I ran to the store to grab some stuff and then came home. The boys worked outside for a while and then we made hot dogs over the fire pit in the backyard. They were delicious! That is pretty much all we did for our tiny celebration of labor day.

 Caleb loading the fire with wood.

 Dad and Caleb standing proudly with their fire.

Misty ready to play.

Dad sitting in his chair happy to be outside. :)

 Rosco, the dog next door, trying to get Misty's attention to play.

 The lone rose that bloomed off a certain plant.

The hot dogs cooking in the fire pit. Yum!!
Caleb soaking the fire pit with his super soaker after we finish cooking dinner and the wood supply had been exhausted.

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