Thursday, September 13, 2012


Well, yesterday I watched 17 one year olds for two hours yesterday. My mind is not really working still from all of that work. There were five of us with the 17 kids and we had several kids who screamed the whole time. Thankfully the two year old class did not have too many kids and they took some of our really loud screamers out. There was one little boy named Caleb and he was in a dinosaur outfit, so we called him Calebasaurus. He adored my brother Caleb. There was also a girl named Ellory who had the prettiest eyes every seen. They were amber. She was also a snuggler. Most of the kids were really good, except for one who could break glass with his scream. Overall, it was a lot of fun. By the way, Misty is feeling much better.

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