Sunday, September 30, 2012

Seattle Day 1 (Tuesday)

We got up at three a.m. yo pack last minute things and get dressed before our ride to the airport arrived. He got there and we put all of our suitcases in the back of the truck. Next we all got in. Unfortunately the truck only had five seats, which meant we had to ride all the way to the airport squished together. We got on our first plane (after getting some Starbucks) on time and it was really empty. We had a layover in Minnesota. Of course, our gate was on the other side of the airport. :) Did you know in the middle of the Minneapolis airport there is a full-blown shopping mall? There is. We had to walk through it to get to our gate. :( Thankfully we made it to the gate in plenty of time. The flight was really crowded and stuffy. I was thankful to get off. Papa met us outside and we drove to Auntie's house. She greeted us, along with Gram, and we went for a walk to get lunch. All of us ate outside at Panera except Caleb and Dad, who ate at Panda Express. After that, the girls and guys split up to do our own thing. Us girls went to a kitchen store and party store to grab some stuff for the wedding. Then we stopped by a shoe store because Gram needed some shoes for the wedding. I found a pair of sparkly converse that I fell in love with. I am still thinking about what to draw on the toes. :) When we got back to Auntie's house, I went through some clothes of hers that she was going to give to Good Will. There was a lot of clothes that did not fit, but a lot that did too, which makes me very happy. After a while, we loaded up the cars and drove to our rental house. It was really small, but it worked. Mine and Caleb's bunk bed was just in a tiny nook off the hallway. I didn't really like it, but living with a curtain as your door/wall can be counted as an adventure, right? After exploring our house and hanging out for a while, we went to an Irish restaurant. I wasn't really hungry, but I got a shepherd's pie. Everyone else was a little bit more adventurous. We went back to the house and set up computers and internet. Mom, Gram, and Papa all went to Trader Joe's to stock up the kitchen, while the rest of us stayed home to rest. I went straight to bed. End of day 1. :)


  1. Sounds like fun! highlights for me would have been Starbucks, shoes, and bunk beds with curtain wall. :)looking forward to day 2!
