Saturday, June 15, 2013


Today was one of my friend's weddings. Technically it was one of my friend's older sister's wedding, but I am friends with both of them, so it counts. I have only met the groom once before today, and didn't really talk to him today, but I have known the bride for many, many years. The morning started out really calm and then we all had to get ready for the wedding. The mother of the bride asked us to pick up the cake at Milano's, so we had to do that at 11:45 because the bakery closed at noon. Unfortunately the wedding did not start until 3:00. :) After we dropped the cake off at the church, we went to Noodles and Co. for lunch, which was really nummy. Then we went back to the church to help prepare any food that needed to be done before hand that the caterer was not bringing. We said hello to some friends and waited for the wedding to start. It was lutheran, so it was a little different than what I am used to, but not drastically. One very interesting thing about the wedding is that there were two deaf people there, so there was an interpreter for the entire wedding. I pretty much just watch him, especially through the songs. Mom and I were helping in the kitchen so we had to leave a little early. I stayed until after the vows and exchange of rings then went to help with the caterers. They were taking pictures for a long time after the wedding ceremony before the reception, so we waited quite a while before we could eat dinner. Since I was helping, I was not able to eat until after everyone else, which was okay with me because it was really, really hot in there and that spoiled my appetite. Mom and I had a conversation with the interpreter and the two deaf people there. The interpreter was amazed at how well I signed, even though I am not very good at all. It was really hard to follow what he said and I had to slow way down to talk and sign at the same time. One of my friends that was there just graduated college for being a sign language interpreter and I talked to her for a little bit while we helped serve cake. The wedding speeches were a little, well, unusual. The maid-of-honor (my good friend) sang hers to the tune of "Piano Man" by Billy Joel and changed all of the words. It was quite funny. :) Then the best man said his in the form of Dr. Seuss. Needless to say, it was quite an interesting night. The bride and her father danced to "Butterfly Kisses" by Bob Carlisle and the mother and groom danced to "What a Wonderful World" at least at first. Then it switch to the hokey pokey. :) It was really unexpected and made everyone in the room start laughing. After all of this fun, I am not very tired and am looking forward to my bed.


  1. Are you being sarcastic or did you mistype when you said "I am not very tired and am looking forward to my bed"? :)

    I have had a long day as well, and I'm sure I will enjoy my sleep immensely.

  2. She was sooo tired that she couldn't type straight, LOL! She worked hard all day today and has another busy day tomorrow. Oh, remind me to tell you about the interpreter instructor in Morris :)
