Friday, June 28, 2013

Worldview Academy: Friday

We all woke up slowly Friday morning. Everyone was dreading leaving camp. For anyone who has not been, let me explain. Worldview is a safe little haven where you can learn and ask questions and no one is ever going to judge you. Everyone around you is a good influence and the staff are always there to help you and are all there by choice. This is what makes camp the best week of your life. Anyways, after getting ready, we had to put our stuff in front of our dorm rooms. Then the pops all met up to head to breakfast. We had to give Christa our room keys at this point, so we had to be sure everything was out of our rooms. Breakfast was very quick and my group was all really talkative. We did five or six random questions, because we wanted to fit as many in as possible before quiet times, since it was our last meal together. After breakfast, we went to devotions, which Tori lead. Then we went to our quiet times. Christa had to go help direct families coming in for the last lecture, so we had to get our group together after quiet times and get over to the chapel as a group. This was not hard, because we had a tendency to find each other even if we weren't trying. We followed some other groups that seemed to know where they were going over to the chapel and met Christa who was very impressed we all actually made it over as a group. We found seats and all of the students had to fill out a survey on how our week at camp was. One of the questions was "If there was one thing you could change about camp, what would it be?" The only thing I could think of at the time was that I wished it was longer. :) After everyone turned those in, we listened to our last lecture. "Whatever!" by Bill Jack. I quite like this lecture. I have heard it several times before, but there are always new things to learn in the lectures from Worldview Academy. During the lecture, Diane had to leave. It was quite sad because none of us were able to say good-bye. :'( When the lecture was over, we were released to go meet our small group leaders for one last small group time. The pops all assembled to receive our certificates and say good-bye to everyone. We did a prayer circle and then got pictures with everyone and finished getting our groups to sign our shirts/notebooks. Then the "Tally!" was yelled, and we all responded with the typical "Ho!!" and gathered around for our instructions. We all went into the room behind the sanctuary, where all the parents were having a parent's meeting, and sat quietly waiting. Grace and I were trying to figure out how to do the Worldview dance backwards. :) Finally the doors opened and we all ran in cheering. They showed us our camp video (which I posted in an earlier post) and we all laughed through the whole thing. Then camp was over. :( Mom came with me to go meet Christa and Dad went to go meet Caleb's small group leader, Kevin. I said good-bye again to everyone, in and out of my small group, and we got some Worldview stuff. I got a hoodie, which I am quite fond of. We also got two of the tracts that we used this year. Then we headed over to the dorms to get our suitcases. Unfortunately, it started down pouring rain right when we went to take our stuff to the van. Dad came with umbrellas and we safely toted all of our stuff to the car. We jumped in the van and left the lot. This was the end of Worldview Academy 2013.

The drive home was full of stories and explanations for all sorts of things. Then we stopped at Chick-fil-a for lunch, which made me very happy. Now it was time for the worst part of camp. Getting home and trying to readjust. Overall, this was indeed, the best week of my life. :)


  1. OK, I have a question. Which week was the best of your life, last year's or this year's? How does that work? :)

  2. I put the same thing on my comment about making it longer. Also, I didn't know that they had the reality checks there at the end. I probably should have looked at the table, but I think I was too busy saying goodbye to people.
