Thursday, June 27, 2013

Worldview Academy: Thursday (Part 2)

When we walked into the lecture room for briefing, they had us sit by color team. We were told the rules of the relay and then went out in order of the way we stood on the field. The first thing we had to do was prepare a cheer for our color teams. Ours was "Green will, green will rock you." All of the other teams did a lot better than our group did on the cheer. I liked yellow's the best though. It was really creative. :) Once everyone finished their cheers, the actual relay began. The first thing was passing an empty can of spam back and forth diagonally with chopsticks down the line. We did not have enough chopsticks, so when we finished we had to run them to the end of the line. It was really loud with everyone cheering for their teams. After getting the spam to the end of the line, we had to have two pairs of guys and two pairs of girls run with their elbows linked in baggy clothes around a cone and back. This felt like it took the longest amount of time. Then we had to go in sets of two in hoola hoops "across the river", which was really just between cones. The guys in our group all took initiative and took the hoola hoops, but girls could not go with guys because of the five minute rule, so all the guys were across and then had to run a hoola hoop over to a girl. There were three hoola hoops going at once. After that we had to link arms with everyone, not respecting the five minute rule (meaning girls and boys could touch), from the beginning of the relay to the end zig-zagging between the cones. This was incredibly unpleasant!! The really tall guys were in front and dragging the rest of us behind them. I was near the back, and we had a lovely whiplash effect. During the course of this, I managed to twist my ankle pretty badly. We finished first, but it was hard to tell whether blue or green finished first. I was so out of breath and in so much pain that I did not realize that we won. Everyone lined up for water after all of the teams finished the relay. I filled up my water bottle and went to talk to Sarah G. who could not do the relay because she had an injury. Next was the leader vs. student ultimate frisbee game. It is the biggest event of the day. I could not play because of my ankle, so I was hanging back in the shade for quite a while. I was starting to go crazy not being able to figure out what was going on during the game, so I went and stood on one foot near the front and high fived the groups as they traded out on the field. The goal of the game is for the students to beat the staff and faculty. This has only happened once in all of Worldview Academy history. We got no where near winning the game. I think it was 9-1 in favor of the staff. :( During the game, Elisabeth, one of the leaders, asked if I was okay and I told her about my ankle. She went and told Christa, who got Hannah, the 'nurse' during the week. One advantage was that I got to sit right up front and watch the game. After the game ended, the entire camp (minus me and Hannah) got in a circle to dab up and pray. I watched the group in a gigantic circle and was amazed!! There were a lot of kids there. They filled the width of a football field when standing in a circle. I had an ice pack on my ankle, so I could not walk back to the dorms, so I rode back in the van with some of the leaders. Sarah G. rode back with us as well. If you really want to see a different side of the staff, ride in a van with them for five minutes. That is all it takes. Mr. Collins (will explain the name later), turned his iPod on and started playing a Justin Bieber song. Sarah and I could hardly control ourselves we were laughing so hard. All of the staff in the van were singing along and dancing. :) Hannah helped me up to my room, since I had to walk up stairs to the third floor. I layed down on my bed with my ankle up for the little bit of time we had to take showers and what not. I got really bored inspecting the ceiling, so I got up and got my keyboard and goofed off for a little bit until Christa came up to let us know it was time to go to lectures. We walked over to the lecture room and prepared ourselves for our next lecture. "The Mask of God: The life of faith in vocation" by Mike Schutt. It was a good lecture and I really enjoyed it, even though the amount of doodles may not make it look that way. :) Mike became my friend when he started making up words. My favorite was "splendorific." After that, we got dinner and then worship. The next lecture we had was my all time favorite. "Cultivating our Relationship with Christ" by Paul Jordan. I absolutely loved this lecture, because he gave us direct applications that are easy and practical. When that lecture came to a close, we had a quick break, then our exam. They went over the basic rules and then handed out the exams. If we finished our exam early, we could write a story consisting of these three things; a flag, minions, and our small group leader. I went through the exam slowly, trying to think out the answers. Of course, being the wonderful homeschooler I am, put the wrong grade on the test. :) It was time for the results of the Spamley Cup!!! Everyone got back in their color team groups and the leaders did a skit for showing who won. GREEN WON!!!!!!! We were very excited, obviously. :) Then we had a guy from a college come and talk to us for a little bit. When he was done talking, we went to 'campfire' which was just a time for us to share stories. Christa and John led worship then stories were shared. When campfire was over, we went to small groups. My group was all really huggy and touchy with each other since we knew it was our last time as a group. Diane was going to have to leave early the next day, so it was our last meeting as our whole small group. :'( We rated our days, did worship, and then Christa started something with us that I thought was really cool. It is called a 10,000 reasons journal. You write down everything you are thankful for and your goal is to get to ten thousand things. Then we prayed as a group. We were sent up to our rooms to start packing, since we wouldn't have much time in the morning. Leah and I were both up pretty late, just sitting in bed. I was thinking about the week and lost track of time and Leah was not feeling well. I ended up having to go find Christa for Leah. This was an adventure all of its own. Christa wasn't in her room, along with any of the other leaders. I told Leah to go lay back down and I would go look around a little and see if I could find anybody. I looked out the window and saw that there were some leaders outside, but at the angle I was at, I could only see guys. I went back up to the room and told Leah, and we decided that I would just go out and ask if any of them knew where the rest of the leaders were. When I got down into the lobby, Griffin was there and went to go find Christa for us. Christa and Mia came up to the room to take care of Leah, and we were both soon asleep after that. This was all at about one in the morning. :) Overall, it was a very bittersweet day. :)


  1. Ok, this is ridiculous, but what yellow team cheer are you talking about? Also, I just have to get it out there that I was the one who scored the only goal for the students in the staff-student game.(Of course, I couldn't have done it alone)

    1. The team cheer that the groups did before the relay. :) And yes, I know you made the score, with the help of the other students on the field. :)
