Thursday, June 27, 2013

Worldview Academy: Thursday (Part 1)

Once again, I have to split this into two sections because of the length. :)

Energy was high Thursday morning when everyone got up. It was game day!!! Unfortunately, games were not until after small group time, which was after lunch. My group got up early again to do worship. There is just something special about singing with eight girls and a guitar outside early in the morning. We went into breakfast energized and ready for the day to start. After breakfast, we had devotions and quiet times. Next we had a lecture. My group gathered together and tried to find seven seats together. This is quite a trick!! Finally we found an area we could sit in near the front. Some of our group was sitting with friends, so we didn't have to find so many seats. "Worldview in a Lifeboat" by Mike Schutt was about a political case and whether what these people were really wrong or if they could use self-preservation. It was my least favorite lecture of the week, by far. The amount of doodles in my notebook are extensive. :) I was very excited for break that time. After our five minutes, we sat back down for another lecture. The only good thing about the previous lecture is that Christa got to sit with us instead of having to go do staff stuff. The next lecture was much better, in my opinion. It was called "A Christian View of Leisure" by Mike Schutt. I highly enjoyed this lecture. The lesson from this one was "Rest is not working." Honestly, that is their definition. :) After that we had our transition into lunch. My groups sat together again, as usual. Lunch felt pretty long, probably because we knew color team challenges were coming up so soon. Once we finished lunch, Christa let us go get ready  for games. I was already good, so I just hung out around the dorms, watching the guys be weird. Then we had small group time. We painted our nails, faces, and colored our arms with Sharpies. :) While we were doing all of this delightful stuff, Christa had us all share our testimonies. It was really encouraging to hear everyone else's stories. That was when we heard some amazing news. The night before, Bekah dedicated her life to Christ. Our entire small group was ecstatic!!! Christa told us she was jumping around in the back when she saw Bekah look up. We all gave Bekah a giant hug, trying not to mess up our nail polish. :) Then it was time to gather up for briefing for game day!!!

Check back later to find out more!!

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