Monday, June 24, 2013

Worldview Academy: Monday

(I know I used everyone's initials yesterday, but that is just too confusing, so I will use everyone's names this time.)

Monday morning Christa woke us all up promptly at 7:30. I was already up, but it was our warning to be downstairs in the lobby in twenty minutes. Our favorite meeting place was down at the baby grand piano in the lobby of our dorms. We were supposed to have quiet times first, but the directors decided that the girls were going to do breakfast while the guys did quiet times then vice versa. So my small group headed to breakfast. Christa decided we were going to eat breakfast as a small group, so we found a table that would seat our group of eight and claimed our seats. They had my favorite food in the whole wide world. BACON!!! For some reason, the bacon at this cafeteria is better than anywhere else. :) We started a tradition for our group that morning. It is called the random question game. Someone at the table asks a random question (anything varying from 'If you had two extra ears, where would you put them?' to 'If you could spend a millions dollars selfishly, what would you do with it?') and we would go around the table and answer. We found a magic coffee pot that morning. When it came out of the pot it just looked like water, but when it hit the cup, it was coffee! This took my group a very long time to figure out, but eventually we watched it sideways and found out that the coffee was coming in behind the water where you cannot see it. :)  I think almost everyone in my small group ended up getting coffee that morning just so we could understand the silly pot. The game made breakfast go by very quickly, so we had to do our intro to quiet times at the table while everyone finished breakfast. After Christa told us where to meet, we were dismissed to do quiet times. When quiet times were over, we met at the ping-pong tables to count up our group before heading to camp pictures. It took the guys quite a while to organize themselves, so we all stood around waiting. The girl leaders were making us do motions to children's songs while we waited, but it was a little squished where I was standing, so I just sang along and laughed at how ridiculous the leaders all looked. :) Eventually, the girls got to go up to get posed for the picture. We probably took just as long as the guys. I kind of feel bad for them because they were quite squished up there waiting for us to get ready. After figuring it out, we got the picture and found our small group leaders, so we could head into our first lecture. It was titled "Simple Tools for Brain Surgery" and was given by Bill Jack. We had a quick break after that to goof around. My group did jumping jacks and ran around just so we could get some energy out. Then we went into a lecture called "Reliability of Scripture" given by Paul Jordan. We had another small break after that lecture to stretch our legs and get a drink and just be kids for a little bit. The breaks are only five to ten minutes, but much cherished. My group played the foot game, along with some other girls. Then we had a lecture on "Servant Leadership" given by Mike Schutt. This was one of my favorite lectures last year, and I quite enjoyed it again this year, especially hearing things worded just a little different. After that was our favorite break of all. Lunch!! My small group from last year wanted to sit together, so we did. My small group this year wanted to sit together too though, so we all squashed ourselves into one table. :) Lunch break is quite long, so we goofed around for the break. Then we had to meet Christa for our leadership practicum. Last year the practicum felt impossible, but this year it was pretty easy. I wish I could explain it with words, but it is really difficult. The goals were for us to show the five pillars of leadership, which we were told in the lecture before. They are meekness, integrity, attitude, vision, and empowerment. After we finished the practicum, we sat down at talked about it. Once we finished as a group, we split into smaller groups to talk about which pillars we needed to work on most and pray together. I was paired with Diane. We got to know each other pretty well during our little conversation. After that we went to free time. I went to go play ultimate frisbee. We started in one field and ended up moving to another after we found out there were two different games going on. I played until about half an hour before we needed to head back so I could get a shower. After free time, we had another lecture. It was on "The Marks of a Pseudo-Christian Cult" by Mike Tiland. Then we had dinner, which was pretty short. When we got back into the lecture hall, we were introduced to the Spamley Cup. The coveted prize of Worldview Academy. Whichever color team collected the most points over the course of the week won. We were also given the chance to earn some points. Then we had our lecture on "How to Know the Truth" by Mike Schutt. Then we got to have worship and another small break. Next was our lecture on "Creation vs. Evolution" by Bill Jack. Then we had transition into t-time, my favorite part of the day. Leah had not been feeling well most of the day, so she went to bed early while the rest of us met outside Christa's dorm for some worship time and popcorn. :) Unfortunately, Christa burned the popcorn, so we called it smokey barbecue popcorn without the barbecue. Out of this mistake came many things. One of them was our name and response. That night, our group was officially name "The Pops". Christa would yell "Where are my pops!?!" and we would respond as loud as we could, "Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, burn!!!" Ultimately we were teasing Christa for burning the popcorn, but it was enjoyable and she took it well. :) While we were waiting for the rest of the group to get there, Bekah, Diane and I were fighting over a hackey-sack and throwing it around the little area Christa told us to stay in. We also found out Bekah does not like her feet being touched, so naturally we had to try to touch Bekah's feet. Everyone else got there and did not understand what in the world was going on, but it was enjoyable to see their faces. After t-time we all headed to bed. Leah was asleep, so I had to be very quiet getting into bed. I just slept in my clothes from the day and went to sleep myself. It was a wonderful day full of wonderful memories and I was ready to start another.

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