Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Worldview Academy: Tuesday

Everyone woke up Tuesday morning to the bright sunshine shining into their windows, ready for a new day to begin. I was quite excited because I got my one-on-one meal with Christa that night. :) We went to breakfast, where Marah sat with us. Marah was the videographer this week and since she didn't have a small group, she sat with us that morning. After breakfast we all headed out to our quiet times. I did not do a repeat of Monday. (I climbed into a tree and then fell out in the middle of quiet times.) :) The grass was quite suitable for me. Once we finished our quiet times, we headed inside to meet up with our group. We sat in the back because there was not any room for everybody in the front. The lecture was on "How to Study the Wiseman's Book" by Paul Jordan. As the lecture went on, my group realized there was no one in the row in front of us, so our feet started to become propped up on the chairs. We slowly turned the chairs around so we did not continue to get our feet stuck and by the end of the lecture, the row did not look anything at all like a straight line. :) Diane was sitting to my left and her chair was kind of at a funny angle, so she had to sit sideways, which meant she was leaning on me most of the lecture. Her head was on my shoulder and my head was on her head, so when we nodded, it made us laugh hysterically. Unfortunately, we could not tell anyone what was going on because we were in the middle of a lecture. :) We did not think to take a picture of this, but it is quite humorous just to think about. Half-way through the lecture, we got a short break, and then continued on with the same lecture. It was really good and enlightening, but it did feel very long. After that we headed to lunch. Once again, we had multiple small groups sitting together, which kind of just became our thing to do during lunch. After lunch was small group time. We started out by making friendship bracelets, or using the thread to braid into our hair. Christa talked to us about various things while we did this. Marah came up at the end of the time and asked to videotape our small group's part in the video. We were all popcorn, since our name was the Pops, and Marah thought this was hilarious! It took four or five takes to get us to all pop up at the same time, but we were all laughing so hard, it really didn't matter to us. Once we finished that, Christa gave us our time and place to meet after free time and we were off. I decided against ultimate frisbee and went to just have some goof off time. I grabbed my portable keyboard and took it outside with some sheet music. I still had not finished my friendship bracelet and realized I had to finish that before I could get my sheet music out. :) While I was working on that, Alicia came up and started playing around on my keyboard, which was humoring me greatly. Christa came and talked to me for a while and talked me into going inside where a game of mafia was going on. I sat and watched the end of that game then joined in on the next game. I honestly do not remember the theme of the round I played, but it was quite confusing. I was the mafia, which is always enjoyable! Caleb knew it too, but they accused both of us, so he was the one who ended up getting executed because my defense against him was that he just accused me because I am his sister. :) It worked quite nicely. I ended up the last of the mafia and got killed quite a while later. Convincing somebody that something is not true, when I know that it is indeed true, is very difficult for me. This showed tremendously. I sat out the next game and talked with a leader that was sitting there watching. Her name was Elisabeth. We played frisbee Monday together, so I kind of knew her already. After free time, my small group met up and headed into our next lecture. It was called "Big J, Little J: The Roots of Order" given by Mike Schutt. It was about God's view of justice and man's view of justice. I heard a similar lecture last year, so I was not too intrigued by this one. Then we had dinner. I got to sit with Christa and have some one-on-one time with her, which I had been looking forward to all day. :) We talked about tons of different things and I found out a bunch of neat stuff about her. After dinner, we headed to a point break to earn more color team points. Then we had a lecture called "The Body" by Mike Tiland. It was about how we have proof from the body of Christ rising from the dead and how to argue for that and what the arguments are against it. I found this lecture quite interesting, but eventually got a little fidgety. Then we had worship and a quick break. The next lecture was a really good one. It was called "Counterfeit Reality" by Bill Jack. It was about how movies change things in our culture and we talked a little bit about what worldviews are displayed in different movies. I thoroughly enjoyed it!!! Then it was time for t-time. The girls went into the round room for some worship time. The acoustics in that room are amazing!!! The groups split up to have a short time for just the small group's t-time. My groups stayed in the round room and rated our days by popcorn flavors, which required quite a bit of creativity on our parts. This created us laughing hysterically through the whole thing. :) Then we headed off to bed. Overall, it was a magnificent day!

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